I'm absolutely Torn between two opposing sides, regarding my bloggie status.
May 6, 2021
So What Do I Do Now??

I'm not really a "Malcontent" at all- I love to see the cherished values of honesty, truthfulness, and loyalty to America in all my friends, expecting only the same treatment in return.
But this is Krazy Town afterall
today is may 6, 2021... "national prayer day" in America. yes, i will be praying for her.
my health continues to deteriorate-- my skin is that of a saggy, baggy elephant.
i wish that i had a better blog. like the one that i had for 13+ years.
i was asked to be a part of a twitter chat group, and in just 8 days, i've managed to alienate myself, and besides that, i don't know what to say to any of them, i don't really want to know any of them personally~ after being yelled at this morning by one of the chatters, from an innocent question.
gouda cheese, indeed~!
i think that i'll give it up, but only after a week or more silence.

I'm not really a "Malcontent" at all- I love to see the cherished values of honesty, truthfulness, and loyalty to America in all my friends, expecting only the same treatment in return.
But this is Krazy Town afterall
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