Have you ever had a moment like this?
Say you're removing your trousers for bed, and although you checked all your pockets moments before, as you take one leg out, a coin falls from one pocket of the trousers. The coin lands on its rim and begins to roll. At the very same time, you are thinking about a serious choice you have to make very soon, and instantly, you decide that if you can catch that coin before it stops rolling, then your decision will be made for you, one way or the other.
You instantly, silently agree to these terms with yourself. So with one leg in the air, one on the ground, and an empty pants leg somewhere in between, you dive for that coin, confident in your athletic abilities, despite the truth that you've not used any athletic ability since 1999.
As you are reaching for the rolling coin, a fly decides to land on your nose, thoroughly disrupting your aim, reaching for the now tettering coin.
You wipe your face with one hand, and grab at where you last saw the coin with the other....
Neither have I.
You may very well be (simultaneously) the funniest and the weirdest person I know! Haven't "used any athletic ability since 1999?" Now THAT is funny! I wish you'd write on this blog more. I like the Krazy you.
No, but have you ever sat through an entire game with your legs crossed a certain way because you thought it brought good luck to the team playing several hundred miles away?
Me neither.
-not redstater
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