The latest update in the weird dream file is the most weirdest.
I dreamed last night, that I was laying in bed awake, and reached behind the mattresses at my head, to find:
a pair of scissors, with broken off blades,
then a second pair of scissors, in working order,
then a pair of tweezers,
then two cans of bug killer,
then a small, black desk lamp (with hi-intensity bulb),
then I dreamed that I moved over to the other side of the bed, where I noticed that two people had written messages to me, on the headboard post. Unreadable.
All this time, I thought I was awake.
So I got up. And with my dog at my side, we walked into the kitchen in the dark, to start the day.
That's when I first, first realized that I was dreaming. I realized that I was still in bed, still in the original place in bed. So was Amos still sleeping, at my feet.
But back to sleep, I got out of bed again, and this time, I knew I was dreaming inside the dream.
so I went outside, to let the dream take off in the direction it wanted to.
Outside my house, there was a two or three story building which was a school, but students were crawling up the walls, Spiderman style, and crawling into a second story window.
Weenies and beans, about a half hour before bedtime, did this.
It was cool~!
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