April 27, 2009

I just returned from a special place, where last year today,I met my little brother.
Uh, I didn't meet him HERE, but we became best/of/friends at this relatively, altitudinous, lofty, skinney-piney spot.

Dear brother, Oohgah Tleh,

Well, it's been awhile since we were together. Though we spoke with each other on the phone this week TWICE, I still wanted to go up and consecrate our friendship today, where we'd once sat and thought and talked much together.

For what it's worth, I found in the underbrush, then brought home, a ceramic, green bowl, of mine, which you had since at least last June or July.I hope that you remain happy in your service to man, at SubWay® Sandwiches of FW/TX.********This afternoon, I sat alone, where you and I had sathalf-a-hundred times earlier last year-Today, along the hilltop above Hwy. 1, amid the skinny Pines,Where I ran amuk once at 3 AM, last summer in the darkness to impress you.Remember?? It scared you, instead. That scar on your right cheekbone... Remember that sad and fateful night for us?Today, I only felt lonliness, the sadness of your absence,all because of your personal insanity.I drank three beers out there, in 'Our' place, and drained two for you onto that smooth rock where you'd once sat, along/aside me, Oohgat Leh.In that way, I intended to honor you...And your memory within me. *******Until I walked back to the O.M.R. parking lot, and again needed to piss.I entered the men's public bathroom, where I'd never been before, but you evidently had-that's when I recognized your handwriting(s) on its stalls' walls,old, dated and faded as it was,On the men's stalls' walls,offering invitations for oral sex on the weekends. ***That Broke My Heart, that BROKE my heart,THAT broke MY heart IN HALF, Oohgah Tleh, Seeing that, Recognizing that.Since I'd just been remembering you, my dear friend,near Your, Our first campsite there-Tears, and tears and tears flow now from my eyes-- Why, why why did you never confide in me, little Brother?Could I have eased your pain then?YOUR recognizable handwriting, which I've seen on dozens of documentswhen you were here, -many in my possession still--and would know instantly,were a utter shock to see on a rural bathroom stall wall.Signs, signals like our shaped twigs and whistles we'd share in the night air to alert each other,Once.Elsewhere,Otherwise.FarAway.

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