January 24, 2013

Been over to Mike's blog tonight,
The Top of Texas Gazette,
where I seen he's missing "the local grouch" blog.

I spent an evening in Pampa Texas once; while it was
theoretically Summer, it was a cold windy night for this Injun.
I remember thinking that I could see the Rockies from there,
but instead it was merely the dust storm coming in from the northwest.
That however, was not my main memory of Pampa, USA:

As I ate a meal, I felt the eyes of the other, much older, and
more C&W cowboy diners on me with every bite I took.

But Mike- if you're reading this- (Welcome first)-
if memory serves, we parted ways when I made a remark
about my full email box, which contained a message from you,
and accidentally deleted afterward.
I apologize again for that, friend; regretted it since that day,
I have.

But now, welcome to Krazy Town, listed over at the Malcontent side
as "my Chacta Spirit" blogsite, or some such drivel, in the list of blogs.
*And, if you go back to that last, sign-off blogposting, and look hard,
there's a link embedded therein, which comes here~!

and don't get into the politics very often....
(I got to protect my phony-baloney state job)
Plus, this site is hidden from the Too-Christian-Christians,
who expected too much from me over at the LMC side.
I had gotten tired of what the Local Malcontent blog had become;
it was no longer "my mind's playground", as advertised in the header.
it was in 2009 in fact when I wrote this
wanting to stop what the other blog had become
before/after the '08 election.

As proof, over here I can say "Shit".... ain't life amazing??
Take good care, Mike, & come by when you like.


Mike said...

I don't talk too much politics on my blog; it's mainly a place to post photos of things I see around here, the music I like and sometimes an observation or two. I certainly lean towards the right, but sometimes the right deserves a little poke with a sharp stick...and sometimes more than a heaping helping of scorn. Their definition of "conservative" sure ain't mine.

Don't worry about our tiny spat; I was prob. in one of my "Hey, how 'bout ME" insecure moments. Long forgotten and I kept visiting your blog.

I was listening to a trivia program on a station out of Dallas one night and decided to phone in an answer. When I was announced "Mike from Pampa", one of the hosts said he spent a month here one night. I understood what he meant.

Sorry you were made to feel uncomfortable. All-in-all, this place has some pretty good people. I've lived around here all my life, though, and sometimes get some funny looks, usually for something like a Ron Paul or "Hillary Sucks" tshirt. Here lately it's been for wearing my "brand" cap I had made, the "Flying 4Q". I also get greeted by people thinking I'm someone else, too, guess I just have "one of those faces". Generically ugly, I suppose.

Yeah, the dust can blow here. Why do you think we Panhandlers have such a nasal Texas twang?

I looked up your place on Google Earth one time after you told me where you lived. I'm not sure if I was on the exact house, but I figger I was close.

I hear ya about the "Too-Christian-Christians". I consider myself a Christian, but I'm def. a rough-edged one, a sinner through and through but I work on it. I certainly don't have much against any other religion....well, there's that one that hates us and likes to blow themselves up, but.... They leave me alone and I'll do the same f/ them.

Got you in my reader now, guess the other site is gone?

The Local Malcontent said...

Ha ha- "there's that one (religion) that hates us...."
yeah, that nutbunch is out there.
The Local Malcontent is in cold storage Mike, for the time being.
There are tools on that site which, if needed someday to broadcast some message like a billboard along the information superhighway,
will be ready.

The Local Malcontent said...

While I'm not familiar with Google's Earth, Mother's earth has my family here:

pardon the mess.