I promise to always try to compose quality blogposts here, with few exceptions. But even my oddball posts aren't that bad, ..., are they? Does my breath stink? Do I make it too obvious when I scratch my balls?
Then why say my blog is "Quality Dependent"? I have a reputation to keep here, bud--
This jerk thinks that his Turkish website gets free mention here, after implying I write quality-dependent material? Well, read it and weep, you hairy terrorist:
Quoth He: Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "I was fantasizing thinking overnight, how much fun...":
I κnow this web рagе offегs quality dependent posts and other ѕtuff, is thегe any othег ωebsite whіch ρreѕents thеse kinds of thіngs in
Also visit my homepage ; I Kill Kitties For Lunch
Oh, I get those too, only mine are mostly of the Chinese variety. "I like post very much. I agree with. Visit my blog at...."
It's the price of having a blog, I suppose. I appreciate you not having the CAPTCHA feature; those things are very hard to read and I sometimes have to cycle through four or five of them to find one that's legible. If a blog owner can't be bothered to at least moderate their responses to a post and sort through them when they visit, then why should they think I would bother to reply? (and I get notifications of when someone posts in my blog, so it's not like I have to make a special "trip" to my blog to see if anyone has left a response)
You are exactly right, Mike; the idea is to encourage 'audience participation', so to speak, so why put layer upon discouraging layer in the way.
I went with anyone could comment for a while and got some nasty replies, so I went back to the Google/Name-URL/Open ID option. Most were porn links, but others were butt-hurt comments on something I had poked fun at. What gets me is how people take it so personally when you don't like something they do. I try to be diplomatic and an equal opportunity satirist, but I like to poke a sharp stick at those people and things I think deserve it.
I've gotten a few comments that annoyed me to no end, usually arguing about something I've personally experienced. One was from a man who said he was the supt. of Palo Duro Canyon state park near Amarillo, taking offense at a rattlesnake post I had. What was absurd was his statement that there were no rattlers in the canyon. I've been down there several dozen times and saw a rattler at least half of those times. Another comment was on a video I had found on the Pampa tornadoes back in '95. I had merely repeated what some tornado expert had said, that the second tornado was more powerful than the one that ripped through town.
Most other comments from "strangers" were polite, esp. where they corrected some model of a vehicle I had taken a photo of at a local car show. One guy, however, became very abusive to me on a certain model of an old Chevy pickup. I had interviewed the owner and had written down the information, so I knew I was correct, but the guy was insistent I was wrong. He finally gave up after I quit replying to him and started deleting his comments as soon as they were posted. (because of the email notifications)
I would comment more at Trek, esp. since she's lately been under attack by a dedicated litter of libs, but I just hate those CAPTCA codes, so hard for me to read. Not my place to criticize, though, esp. in her own "home", so to speak.
Since you mentioned 'nasty replies', Mike, there was one real DOOZY over at the Local Malcontent bloggie, on the final post.
It read, "Are you that Idiot Malcontent who was bumped off of so many good, Liberal news sites over the past three years (whatever)? YOU m.f. racist, you douchebag, you hate monger, etc., etc., etc.
Deleted. with malice toward one
"good" and "liberal" is a contradiction of terms.
Just kidding...in a fashion. I have some "liberal" online friends and I suppose some of my views could be called "liberal" (but I prefer "common sense") "Progressive", OTOH, describes pure evil.
I've participated in conservative forums, but always shied away from the liberal ones such as HuffPo and DU. I always feel like I need a shower after reading some of the comments. I have ATT/Yahoo as my ISP and it always dismayed me to see all the leftist comments under their articles, but I've noticed a huge change/swing in that over the last four years.
LOL@ the "m-f'er" comment. I've been called that but I usually tell them "Not any more! I broke up w/ your momma after I found out she had raised such an ignorant child."
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