December 7, 2020

what's hot in buffalo, ok

Nothing actually.

Heavy snow in the wintertime is the gift that keeps on giving...

December 2, 2020


Dustbury exists. and in the hearts and souls of Charles’ readers, fellow bloggers and his close friends, it’s a wonderful place that won’t disappear for a very long time. one year on, we will always miss you Charles~

November 16, 2020

Hyacinth Bucket's Unforeseen Call with Mrs Slocombe

... and if you can see my pussy...

November 10, 2020

November 9, 2020

what is "thank you Alex~?"

October 20, 2020

i was only a soft breeze throughout my life. when i touched the water's surface, i did not leave a ripple. i pray to God, to my Lord Jesus Christ that i may have been a cooling breeze, a necessary shift of the atmosphere to others that i touched. why a breeze? i have discovered that i never had any roots, despite my affiliations anywhere anytime. i now look forward to a more literal existance as a breeze of sorts~ i never realized that most of my LMC posts were the rantings of a lunatic~ soon deleted: a mere gust when i had a thought to share. my time to leave is near, and i wish that i had been more like Paul the Apostle than what i was actually. you do not know how i long for my final breath here, exhaling a small breeze for the final time.

October 6, 2020

The Rag-Time Dance (1986 Remastered Version)

just to let you all know it's really me~

the other bloggie is dead.

October 4, 2020

Car Wrecks and Big Rigs Don't Mix!