December 21, 2007

Stairway to Heaven, Quick Trip to Krazy Town, Spoonful of Zowie

I've learnt a val. lesson. today. Periods. are. val.

And that if you or I decide to not give applesauce cakes to some friends for Christmas,
it is not right to take a tablespoon to the Duncan-Hines French Vanilla canned Icing.

I tis notasn Ack. BRrrrrrrrrrrrRfrerererererr!~ I asm shiogh! I can play the piano with otut a song at all!

CValories? 12,500 per tablespoon./ My take????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

the whoe lelelele can, nam, namehr4, man! lBZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

I am the flashlight

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