January 6, 2008

(continued from The Local Malcontent)

I have never done this before, maybe will never do it again. That's the way it is,
with a word like "maybe".

Maybe is it's own opposite. Maybe yes means maybe no.
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But for the music I promoted over at LMC earlier, it is true:

This soft, deep music is like no other-- it strikes me, it affects me on a spiritual level, causing my soul to leap up.
For it is not necessary to understand the language sung, to understand the intent of the song, of the chant. It is the language of my spirit, and I suspect of your spirit as well.

But, since there are no English words to direct the thoughts of most people, telling them what to think, how to react to the song-- it is somehow less, somehow inferior. Relegated to the "reservation" of one, maybe two public radio stations across America.

AIROS, "American Indian Radio On Satellite", has a listenership counted in the dozens; not
hundred of thousands or millions, of listeners. The link to AIROS is from Lincoln, Neb.

White America has proven conclusively, that White radio music is superior-- with it's rap music, rock music and yeah even talk radio- ear pollution. And too many whitefolk would be afraid to listen to Indian music.
there are no commercials for Geico insurance or for Rudy stinkin Giulianinani.

sometime I will speak of the traditional, and accepted racial slaps to my Indian heritage... which I get from some of you on a daily basis... and am expected to benignly accept and laugh with you, at. Since we are only dumb American Indian, or Canadian 'First Peoples', you somehow expect us to roll with your flow(ing gibberish).
Honestly, If I had a nickel for everytime someone ever told me "I've got X-amount of Indian in me, too", I'd be a zillionaire.

"Well, good for you..." TMI, TMI, TMI

this would not be acceptable or popular reading, over on the Local Malcontent side of my blog. Where I feel I must color my speech, my words for you.

"racist". "separatist".

Ge Keshteh Shaa Chacta Eyh, "America".
Live with it, I'm Choctaw, "America".

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